Welcome to Cecy's Opinions

This blog may include: my thoughts on love, politics, cultures, the media, life, this generation, gender, education, body image, and critics on just about everything. However, I cannot say what I will write about each day, it depends what I am in the mood for...

From Rags to Riches

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Fear of Falling In Love

Love is such a beautiful word. Blah, Blah, Blah. It is amazing how love can make you so happy but it can also make you so sad. When you find the right person, the love you share with each other can affect several aspects of your life. However, I am here to talk about the risk of falling in love, and you decide whether it’s worth it. Many women say that love can cause you many problems. It is sad to know when you love someone and you think they do too, they prove you wrong. As a woman, I think we put ourselves out there thinking, “I know the last one was a douche, but I’ll give this one a chance and it might be different..." Yet, they prove us the contrary, they prove that they are the same or worst than the last. I do not understand why as women we become so desperate to be with someone even if they are not the best for us. For example, there are women who lower their expectations after a while because they want to be with someone regardless of how they are. At my age, I have loved a man before and I was heart-broken because at the end, I realized he was not the one for me and although it was hard, I knew I had to let him go. However, I believe at my age love is not necessary. It’s good if you have it but if you don't it is not a big deal! There are things much more important than a relationship. I believe they are a distraction, and they cause chaos and drama in your life. Personally, I think you can live just fine as a single, independent woman. There are several women who are successful and happy with their lives without the help of a man. A confession I must make is, at this point in time, I do not see marriage in my future. I see and am striving to have a career as a journalist and having my own apartment in California. I do want to have kids and I also want to travel. Maybe I might change my mind, who knows. All I am saying is not to settle for good enough. At the end of the day, it’s a nice element to add to your life, but it certainly is not necessary.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Review of Sex and the City

Sex and the City is one of thoes shows that is hard to not watch. I love this show as simple as it is. This show is about four women in there mid-thirties. These beautiful women are successful, independent and outspoken. However, they are each different in their own way. Samantha for example, is in Public Relations and is very successful. However, she is the wildest of the four. She enjoys discussing her wonderful sex life and how it makes her glow. Samantha is the woman that makes us laugh but, deep inside we congradualate her for her courage to deal with her sex life so openly. Miranda is the red-headed lawyer who has to deal with having a baby with her friend not boyfriend. Miranda is a bit discrete about her life, however, when she has a baby she knows her life has to change completely. Charlotte is the "good girl" in the show. Although she is the best behaved, she has her own problems with men. Charlotte thought she had found her "soul mate" with Trey and then they were divorced. Who would have known. The last but not least, is Carrie. Carrie is a colomnist who loves to live and write about New York City. She lives in an apartment in the city and writes about several topics each day. She writes about the stories she hears from her friends and the life experiences she has gone through. Although sometimes it seems she has it all, love is always an issue that she deals with. Sex and the City can be seen on several television networks especially HBO. The Sex and the City movie will be in theaters May 2008!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Confusion That Can Torment You

How do we get to a state of confusion? Why do we as humans like to cause drama in our life? Why can't there really be an actual "undo" button, so when you push it you return to the place you were before you made the mistake? How amazing it would be to go back in time and arrange your past the way you want it now. However, that is not reality. We make mistakes and which most of us learn from them. On the other hand, there are those unnecessary errors that you could have prevented but instead of using a pencil, you used a pen. Sometimes you go through so many trials and tribulations that you wonder if you are ever going to see the light. There are so many unanswered questions that you wish you had the answer to them. There are times when it seems life picks you up for a mere second, and then slams you to the ground. It's amazing to me how people earn so much money and work every day as a psychologist to help people. Now a days people cannot fix their own problems, they have to go to a professional to help them. Have you ever wondered what would happen if we really could solve our own emotional problems? All counselors and psychologists would not have a job.

As they say," from a tragedy blossoms a victory."

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Valentine's Day!

When one is alone during Valentine's day, it seems like the most depressing day ever. When women act as if it does not bother them and it is just another ordinary day, they are usually dieing inside. There is something about Valentine's Day that can make a woman so happy or it can make her feel very alone. In all my relationships, I cannot recall a time when I actually had someone for this special holiday. I always said it was not a big deal and I did not care at all. However, deep inside I wished I could have had someone who would bring me beautiful roses and take me out to dinner. This year I can say that what I was longing for might just happen. This day is special for couples but especially women. Women love when their man can be detailed and can show them how much they care. Sometimes its not about materials, sometimes a woman just wants to feel loved. When a man can take his time and write a poem, or buy a specific card, or tell the women he loves how he feels about her, he will be loved.
At the end of the day, its the smallest things, that give you butterflies in your stomach.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Wonderful World of Friendships

Many people say that best friends do not exist. They say that at the end the people you call "best friends" end up stabbing you in the back or they change and remove themselves from your life. However, I do not believe such a thing because I have two best friends and I have 3 very close friends. I met my best friends the same year and we have been together for 6 years. They are two persons that are really important in my life. For me, best friends are people that are like your family however, they know far more than what your family knows. There are certain things that as part of the norm of society, you do not tell your family. Especially when you are young, your friends know much more facts about you than your relatives. Your best friends are there to help you through the rough times, to listen when no one else will, to cheer you in your happy times, and to give you a reality check once in a while. With out them I would not be the happy, opinionated, curious girl!!
Thanks guys for always being there..even when I make no sense at all.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

And The award for The Best Democratic President Goes to.....

Listen, as I said before these are my opinions so don't take it personal, The first amendment tells us that we have a freedom of speech and thank God for that. Anyways, I am an Independent and so I must really do my research before I can vote. I do not really vote on the candidates based on the party because there are things that both parties have that I don't agree with. In other words, I vote based on what the candidate has to bring to the table. For me this yeas was exciting because I loved the fact that now that I am 18, I can vote. Unfortunately, the year I can start voting, will be one of the most remembered years in history. In my opinion, it is too much change for America to handle. Both Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama are running to be the next president.

Here is my concern with Hilary, she is a woman. I am all for women being a woman myself and I always say that women should be strong and could be just as good as men. However, everyone knows that women are emotional and being the president of the US. is no ordinary job. Yes she is a senator and on my behalf, that is amazing, it is good. She is a strong woman who knows what she wants and has taken the risk knowing that there has never been a female president in the U.S. On the other hand, we are in a time of war and the hottest issue rising in the debates is what to do with the war. Well, her options were firm and she knew how to handle it until.......Obama won the primary in Iowa and Hilary........cried. On that note, she failed to realize that by crying over a loss on national television, she was going to lose respect. Unfortunately for those people that were undecided about her, now have a decision. Now people will say that she would not be strong enough to be a president. What will happen if there is an urgent matter? Will she cry because she will not know what to do?

I am all for change but too much change at one time is not good. Barack Obama is an African-American who is running for presidency. As part of the minority myself, I think that would be great except for a "few" things. I do not like to judge other religions or bash on them especially when I know we have a freedom to chose whatever religion we want. However, Obama is Muslim and that change for America, in my perspective is too much. Our soldiers in Iraq are fighting people who believe in Islam which is connected to Muslim. The terrorist believe in a God called Allah who is telling them to do these evil things in order to make him happy and go to heaven. Christianity has always shaped America. I would personally be terrified to think that our president is religiously connected to the same people we are fighting. Not only is he Muslim, but he is becoming a celebrity and so the question is.....Is this person the right one to be the president of our country? All I can say is, If he does become president and things might go wrong, there will be so much chaos, riots, violence and protests and we might re-experience racism once again.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The attraction of TV shows

As a TV junkie, I will say that watching television is not only for entertainment. In my mind, when I watch a show I really like it because I fantasize sometimes to be one of those characters. Why is it that we criticize these outrageous shows when we still love to watch them? An example that I can give you is Real World. The Real World is a show about random people that have never met and are put in a house to live together. Six strangers who are very different from each other. It only takes a matter of time, before drama starts rising. Then people start fighting, screaming at each other, sleeping with each other, and sleeping with every other person they meet. I know people say "The media has no limit now a days and shows things that in earlier years were not allowed. For example, now sex is everywhere and homosexuality and its okay now because there are shows that explicitly show everything." However, you must also think if it is so bad and people think its wrong, then why do these shows have such high ratings?

44 things girls love (Guys pay attention!!)

Category: Romance and Relationships
11-touch her waist 2-talk to her 3-share secrets 4-give her your jacket 5-kiss her slowly are you remembering this? 6-hug her 7-hold her 8-laugh with her 9-invite her somewhere 10-let her be with you when you're with your friends keep reading 11-smile with her 12-take pics with her 13-pull her onto your lap 14-when she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back 15-when her friends say I love her more, then you deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved. Are you thinking about someone? 16-always hug her and say, "I love you" when you see her 17-kiss her unexpectedly 18-HUG HER FROM BEHIND AROUND THE WAIST 19-tell her she’s beautiful! 20-tell her the way you feel about her! Oh, and on that last one... u need to show her you mean it too 21-Open doors for her, walk her to her car- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurt to act like a gentleman 22-Tell her she means everything to you, but mean it 23-if it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means she doesn't want to talk about it- so just hug her 24-make her feel loved 25-kiss her in front of other girls you know we might deny it but we actually like and kind of want you to tickle us 26-don't lie to her 27-don't cheat on her 28-take her anywhere she wants 29-text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school or work, and how much you miss her 30-be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you are you still reading this? You better be, its important 31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold you too. 32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her. 33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her). 34. While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly. 35. Don't ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If she’s upset, comfort her remember this next time you are with her 36. When people Disrespect her, stand up for her. 37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her. 38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you. 39. When walking next to each other grab her hand. 40. When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible MAKE SURE SHE KNOWS SHES LOVED 41. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams. 42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears. 43. Take her for long walks at night. 44. Always remind her how much you love her. You`ll never know when she needs just a little more love!