Welcome to Cecy's Opinions

This blog may include: my thoughts on love, politics, cultures, the media, life, this generation, gender, education, body image, and critics on just about everything. However, I cannot say what I will write about each day, it depends what I am in the mood for...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

And The award for The Best Democratic President Goes to.....

Listen, as I said before these are my opinions so don't take it personal, The first amendment tells us that we have a freedom of speech and thank God for that. Anyways, I am an Independent and so I must really do my research before I can vote. I do not really vote on the candidates based on the party because there are things that both parties have that I don't agree with. In other words, I vote based on what the candidate has to bring to the table. For me this yeas was exciting because I loved the fact that now that I am 18, I can vote. Unfortunately, the year I can start voting, will be one of the most remembered years in history. In my opinion, it is too much change for America to handle. Both Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama are running to be the next president.

Here is my concern with Hilary, she is a woman. I am all for women being a woman myself and I always say that women should be strong and could be just as good as men. However, everyone knows that women are emotional and being the president of the US. is no ordinary job. Yes she is a senator and on my behalf, that is amazing, it is good. She is a strong woman who knows what she wants and has taken the risk knowing that there has never been a female president in the U.S. On the other hand, we are in a time of war and the hottest issue rising in the debates is what to do with the war. Well, her options were firm and she knew how to handle it until.......Obama won the primary in Iowa and Hilary........cried. On that note, she failed to realize that by crying over a loss on national television, she was going to lose respect. Unfortunately for those people that were undecided about her, now have a decision. Now people will say that she would not be strong enough to be a president. What will happen if there is an urgent matter? Will she cry because she will not know what to do?

I am all for change but too much change at one time is not good. Barack Obama is an African-American who is running for presidency. As part of the minority myself, I think that would be great except for a "few" things. I do not like to judge other religions or bash on them especially when I know we have a freedom to chose whatever religion we want. However, Obama is Muslim and that change for America, in my perspective is too much. Our soldiers in Iraq are fighting people who believe in Islam which is connected to Muslim. The terrorist believe in a God called Allah who is telling them to do these evil things in order to make him happy and go to heaven. Christianity has always shaped America. I would personally be terrified to think that our president is religiously connected to the same people we are fighting. Not only is he Muslim, but he is becoming a celebrity and so the question is.....Is this person the right one to be the president of our country? All I can say is, If he does become president and things might go wrong, there will be so much chaos, riots, violence and protests and we might re-experience racism once again.

1 comment:

Cristián Guerra Campo said...

Thanks for your visits and comments in my blog, I already read your ideas about the debate Obama-Clinton, and I think that you are right. Is refreshing reading something about it in a blog and not in the news, CNN or BBC, my normal sources, and with today`s developments, I think that the way is wide open for Senator McCain to win the Elections. As it happens with us in Guatemala, there almost never the perfect man (or woman) for the job. Obama is black, I don`t know if he is still a Muslem, but yet he is Obama HUSSEIN Barack!!! And I personally like very much his speeches and ideas, but for being president? And I love the Clinton`s clan, well, Bill`s heritage, charisma, leadership; I am not that shure about Hillary... is she too liberal? I don`t know. With Romney out, the Republicans are stronger... is a pitty for the rest of the world, cause we are tired of Reps.

See ya, did really enjoy your blog.